Current Status and Bottle Neck of Octopod Aquaculture: The Case of American Species Artículo académico uri icon


  • The increasing market demand for cephalopods and the experiences obtained with different species has boosted the interest in developing their culture in Latin America. In 2008, an international workshop was held in Puerto Montt, Chile, with 14 experts in experimental cephalopods aquaculture from Brazil, Chile, Spain, and Mexico. Several topics were approached within the holobenthic species Octopus maya and the merobenthic species Enteroctopus megalocyathus, Octopus vulgaris, and Robsonella fontaniana. Part of the conclusions demonstrated that the two greatest difficulties for their production were survival of paralarvae for merobenthic species, and survival of early juveniles for holobenthic species. Besides, there is a need to study the endogenous and exogenous factors affecting health and nutritional status of embryos, paralarvae, and juveniles. These stages, which may limit the culture, should be extensively studied in order to develop the appropriate environmental conditions and culture systems for the physiological and behavioral requirements, from egg incubation up to juveniles to reach a grow‐out phase.


  • Uriarte, Iker
  • Iglesias, José
  • Domingues, Pedro
  • Rosas, Carlos
  • Viana, María T.
  • Navarro, Juan C.
  • Seixas, Pedro
  • Vidal, Erica
  • Ausburger, Alberto
  • Pereda, Sandra
  • Godoy Rojas, Felix Antonio
  • Paschke, Kurt
  • Farías, Ana
  • Olivares, Alberto
  • Zuñiga, Oscar

fecha de publicación

  • 2011

Número de páginas

  • 17

Página inicial

  • 735

Última página

  • 752


  • 42


  • 6