A Locking-Free DPG Scheme for Timoshenko Beams Artículo académico uri icon


  • Abstract We develop a discontinuous Petrov–Galerkin scheme with optimal test functions (DPG method) for the Timoshenko beam bending model with various boundary conditions, combining clamped, simply supported, and free ends. Our scheme approximates the transverse deflection and bending moment. It converges quasi-optimally in L 2 {L_{2}} and is locking free. In particular, it behaves well (converges quasi-optimally) in the limit case of the Euler–Bernoulli model. Several numerical results illustrate the performance of our method.

fecha de publicación

  • 2021

Número de páginas

  • 10

Página inicial

  • 373

Última página

  • 383


  • 21


  • 2