Tide-related biological rhythm in the oxygen consumption rate of ghost shrimp (Neotrypaea uncinata Milne Edwards) Artículo académico uri icon


  • The effects of tidal height (high and low), acclimation to laboratory conditions (days in captivity) and oxygen level (hypoxia and normoxia) were evaluated in the oxygen consumption rate (OCR) of ghost shrimp Neotrypaea uncinata. We evaluated the hypothesis that N. uncinata reduces its OCR during low tide and increases it during high tide, regardless of oxygen level and acclimation. Additionally, the existence of an endogenous rhythm in OCR was explored, and we examined whether it synchronized with tidal, diurnal and semidiurnal cycles. Unexpectedly, high OCRs were observed at low tide, during normoxia, in non-acclimated animals. Results from a second, longer experiment under normoxic conditions, suggested the presence of a tide-related metabolic rhythm, a response pattern not yet demonstrated for a burrowing decapod. Although rhythms persisted for only 2 days after capture, their period of 12.8 hours closely matched the semidiurnal tidal cycle that ghost shrimp confront inside their burrows.

fecha de publicación

  • 2016