Do pollinators simultaneously select for inflorescence size and amount of floral scents? An experimental assessment on Escallonia myrtoidea Artículo académico uri icon


  • Abstract  Correlation among phenotypic traits may be explained by correlational selection, the simultaneous selection of more than one trait, or by genetic and/or developmental factors. In Escallonia myrtoidea, a tree with scented flowers from central Chile, inflorescence size and the amount of floral scents were positively correlated. Independent manipulation of scent and inflorescence size in a factorial design was used to assess the occurrence of pollinator‐mediated correlational selection. Dependency on pollinators for seed set was also assessed. If pollinator‐mediated correlational selection occurs, nonadditive effects of both traits are expected, albeit only when the effect of manipulating the state of such traits is disadvantageous with respect to the naturally occurring inflorescences, and provided that plants are not limited by pollinators for seed set and pollen export. Escallonia myrtoidea was very strongly pollinator‐limited for seed set and pollen export. Pollinator‐mediated additive effects were not observed in the frequency of visits by pollinators, pollen export, and seed set of E. myrtoidea after experiencing scent and inflorescence size manipulations. Consequently, there was no support for pollinator‐mediated correlational selection between those traits, suggesting the prevalence of genetic and/or developmental factors.

fecha de publicación

  • 2006

Número de páginas

  • 6

Página inicial

  • 897

Última página

  • 903


  • 31


  • 7