Survival and Growth Improvement of Palm Ruff, Seriolella violacea, Larvae Fed Artemia Nauplii Enriched with an Experimental Emulsion Artículo académico uri icon


  • AbstractThe palm ruff, Seriolella violacea (Cojinoba), is a potential new species for Chilean aquaculture. To approach Cojinoba larviculture, an experimental Artemia enrichment emulsion, containing docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)/eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) = 2.5, supplemented with vitamin E, astaxanthin, and β‐glucan, was evaluated in both Artemia and Cojinoba larvae, 30–50 d.a.h. This study tested an experimental enrichment emulsion versus a commercial emulsion, with an integral approach of multicompound emulsions. After 23 h enrichment, experimental emulsion (EE)‐enriched nauplii reached DHA and EPA concentrations of 23.8 and 18.7 mg/g dry weight (dwt), respectively, while in Cojinoba larvae they were 18.4 and 19.7 mg/g dwt. Control emulsion (CE)‐enriched nauplii exhibited lower DHA and EPA (6.1 and 7.7 mg/g dwt), while only DHA decreased in the control larvae (12.6 mg/g dwt). Vitamin E was higher in EE‐enriched nauplii (29.2 mg/100 g dwt) than in the control (8.4 mg/100 g dwt). Larvae fed EE‐enriched Artemia exhibited 8% increase in survival and 19% in growth compared with the control. Astaxanthin was detected only in larvae fed EE‐enriched nauplii. The tumor necrosis factor‐α concentration was not significantly different between larvae fed EE‐ and CE‐enriched nauplii. EE looks promising as an Artemia enrichment and experimental diet to assess palm ruff larval requirements, and has a positive impact on fish larvae performance.

fecha de publicación

  • 2017

Número de páginas

  • 11

Página inicial

  • 268

Última página

  • 279


  • 48


  • 2