Quality Assurance in Higher Level Technical Training, and Incidence of Institutional Improvement Plans Artículo académico uri icon


  • The objective of this research is to analyze the impact of Institutional Improvement Plans (PMI) on accreditation results for the Higher-level Technical Institutes, in Chile, understanding that ensuring quality is crucial to providing educational services of excellence, being accreditation its achievements indicator. Through a qualitative methodology, the results of institutional accreditation were reviewed, by analyzing strengths and weaknesses for the areas assessed. The results show that while is there a relative relationship between the implementation of PMI and the accreditation-years obtained, the data collected are insufficient to demonstrate its impact, since the relationships between the areas evaluated and the improvements proposed by the PMI were not found. In conclusion, it is recommended to perform a comprehensive review of the allocation of resources and conditions under which it is applied, as well as the identification of its true impact on quality improvement, in Chile.

fecha de publicación

  • 2021

Número de páginas

  • 38

Página inicial

  • 127

Última página

  • 165


  • 34