La paz fallida. De compasión y desigualdad en el “posconflicto” guatemalteco Artículo académico uri icon


  • Since the 1990s several Latin American countries have entered a phase defined as “post-conflict”. This concept has quickly ceased to indicate a new beginning to become a common place underlining a governmentality model in continuity with the past, or a synonym for neoliberalism. In this paper we analyse the case of Guatemala. We propose that the ethics of compassion, based on the ideas of Human Rights and ethnic identity, although allowing the end of the war and the envision peace, it shapes a post-conflict order that perpetuates inequality, favours social violence (emblematically represented by the mara phenomenon) and criminalizes poverty.

Página inicial

  • No 1 (2020): NARCOCULTURAS. La construcción de un imaginario entre discurso hegemónico y nuevas narrativas de la violencia


  • Vol 12