To the ends of the earth: student mobility in southern Chile Artículo académico uri icon


  • Purpose– Although student mobility worldwide is increasing dramatically, systematic analysis of the effects and variables associated with its results is still recent, especially in new destinations. The purpose of this paper is to examine student mobility in southern Chile from a case study perspective. An exploratory study is presented to analyze the experiences of students in an exchange program over a five-year period and the academic performance of local students abroad.Design/methodology/approach– A single-case design with two embedded units of analysis is presented. Data were drawn from semi-structured surveys and students’ grade records. Content analysis was applied to the students’ reports and statistical methods were used to verify the influence of certain variables.Findings– The experience of Chilean students abroad centered on building up personal competences, while visiting international students concentrated on intercultural interaction, influenced mainly by the quality of accommodation and language factors, the latter determining their relations with professors and local students. Academic performance of local students abroad was determined by the type of academic activity undertaken, course validation, and the selected destination.Practical implications– Some patterns recorded in international literature are similar to the results of this particular case. However, this study reveals some unique findings that can be associated to the operation of study abroad programs in emerging countries, especially in young regional universities unprecedented in aspects related to student mobility.Originality/value– The lack of scientific studies on student mobility in Chile, a country which international student population is rapidly growing, concedes great value to this exploratory study.

fecha de publicación

  • 2014

Número de páginas

  • 13

Página inicial

  • 82

Última página

  • 95


  • 28


  • 1