Draft Genome Sequence of a Copper-Resistant Marine Bacterium, Pantoea agglomerans Strain LMAE-2, a Bacterial Strain with Potential Use in Bioremediation Artículo académico uri icon


  • ABSTRACT Pantoea agglomerans LMAE-2 was isolated from seabed sediment moderately contaminated with Cu 2+ . Here, we report its draft genome sequence, which has a size of 4.98 Mb. The presence of cop genes related with copper homeostasis in its genome may explain the resistance and strengthen its potential for use as bioremediation agent.


  • Corsini, Gino
  • Valdés, Natalia
  • Pradel, Paulina
  • Tello, Mario
  • Cottet, Luis
  • Muiño, Laura
  • Karahanian, Eduardo
  • Castillo, Antonio
  • Gonzalez Perez, Alex Ricardo

fecha de publicación

  • 2016


  • 4


  • 3