External evaluation of university quality in Chile: an overview Artículo académico uri icon


  • Purpose This study aims to review processes of accreditation for Chilean Universities. Along with cataloguing evolutionary milestones, the study analyses effects at the institutional and program levels. Design/methodology/approach The study adopts a meta-evaluative approach and is based on secondary information sources, including both specialised publications and national databases, regarding the expansion of institutions, programs and enrolment, as well as the results of accreditation processes. Findings University quality assurance reflects developments in economic policies, and supply and demand. Progressive consolidation of the national system has had positive effects on the management and development of universities, but the implementation of quality assurance has brought some problems. A traditional classification of universities into customary categories is predictive of the results of accreditation. The variable of administrative compliance is more important than a culture of quality in explaining the results of institutional and program accreditation. Originality/value This review identifies advances, limitations and challenges in the improvement and assurance of quality of Chilean Universities and their programs. This is an unprecedented metanalysis of studies concerning the evolution of accreditation processes and will inform future practice.

fecha de publicación

  • 2022

Número de páginas

  • 16

Página inicial

  • 272

Última página

  • 288


  • 30


  • 3