Social Representations, Deaf Early Childhood and Music in Chilean Sign Language on the Web Artículo académico uri icon


  • Social representations are immersed in a practical thought oriented towards communication and access to the world, where the linguistic environment and identity play a fundamental role in the development conditions of thought, language and feelings. Digital musical content is related to music, movement and sign language to create content from deafness, a preponderant aspect that motivates the objective of this research, to analyze the social representations of Deaf early childhood in musical accessibility in language. of Chilean signs in the web context. A documentary review of digital musical content for Deaf early childhood in the last 5 years was carried out on the YouTube platform. The results indicate little digital music content for Deaf early childhood. In conclusion, the realization of Deaf linguistic material is required to strengthen the development and identity of the Deaf child and generate spaces for transversal and diverse inclusion


fecha de publicación

  • 2023

Página inicial

  • 399


  • 3