La renovación conceptual de la conciencia de clase, la revolución y la violencia: reflexiones a propósito de la actualidad de la obra de Georg Lukács Artículo académico uri icon


  • One hundred years after the publication of History and Class Consciousness, it is imperative to revisit the classic work of Georg Lukács to discuss the relevance of his ideas in a world where the capitalist mode of production does not cease to show its devastating effects. To do so, we divide the article into two sections. In the first part, we place Lukács’ work in dialogue with that of Hegel and Marx in order to clarify the status of violence as an ontological condition of history, allowing us to determine the theoretical-practical framework from which social revolution can be conceptualized. In the second section, we analyze Lukács’ notion of class consciousness not as a historical fatality but as an act of self-determination of the proletariat. We compare this proposal with the current situation of gentrification of the proletariat which, far from invalidating the Hungarian author’s proposal, constitutes its reversal and the platform for its actualization. Ultimately, it is about the proletarian still today taking control and becoming, through class consciousness, the subject-object of history. We conclude by reinterpreting Lukács’ terms in a practice that counters a reactionary position in order to combat both the reactionary movements and the hedonistic immobilism of the proletariat.


  • Barria Asenjo, Nicol Andrea
  • Žižek, Slavoj
  • Maiwald, Florian
  • Medina Polo, Simone A.
  • Camargo-Castillo, Javier
  • Vergara Muñoz, Francisco Alejandro
  • Ayala-Colqui, Jesús

fecha de publicación

  • 2024

Número de páginas

  • 16

Página inicial

  • 139

Última página

  • 155


  • 90