Smith Ramirez, Cecilia del Carmen
- Investigador , Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas y Biodiversidad
Áreas de investigación
publicaciones seleccionadas
artículo académico
- Contrasting responses of taxonomic diversity and functional groups of birds to the agricultural landscape of southern Chile. Ornithology Research. 2024
- Drought and Wildfire Trends in Native Forests of South-Central Chile in the 21st Century. Fire. 7:230. 2024
- Multi-temporal assessment of a wildfire chronosequence by remote sensing. MethodsX. 13:103011. 2024
- Positive perceptions and memories of invasive Acacia species in central Chile coupled with high willingness for its control. Biological Invasions. 26:3851-3865. 2024
- Removal of native bamboo promotes natural regeneration in degraded temperate rainforests in North‐Patagonia, Chile. Restoration Ecology. 2024
- Bad company expands in highland areas: Overlapping distribution, floral resources and habitat suggest competition between invasive and native bumblebees. Global Ecology and Conservation. 46:e02595. 2023
- Ecosystem services of Chilean sclerophyllous forests and shrublands on the verge of collapse: A review. Journal of Arid Environments. 211:104927. 2023
- Facilitation by pioneer trees and herbivore exclusion allow regeneration of woody species in the semiarid ecosystem of central Chile. Applied Vegetation Science. 26. 2023
- Native bees with floral sonication behaviour can achieve high‐performance pollination of highbush blueberry in Chile. Agricultural and Forest Entomology. 25:91-102. 2023
- No wild bees? Don't worry! Non-bee flower visitors are still hard at work: The edge effect, landscape, and local characteristics determine taxonomic and functional diversity in apple orchards. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 354:108554. 2023
- Non-compliance with the World Trade Organization agreements by exporters of the European bumblebee, Bombus terrestris. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy. 19. 2023
- The land and sea routes to 2030: a call for greater attention on all small islands in global environmental policy. npj Biodiversity. 2:18. 2023
- Chilean sonicating bees can achieve high efficiency in pollinating highbush blueberry crops. Acta Horticulturae. 39-46. 2022
- Combining remote sensing and field data to assess recovery of the Chilean Mediterranean vegetation after fire: Effect of time elapsed and burn severity. Forest Ecology and Management. 503:119800. 2022
- Multiscale spatial analysis of headwater vulnerability in South-Central Chile reveals a high threat due to deforestation and climate change. Science of The Total Environment. 849:157930. 2022
- The need for holistic approach in the identification of priority areas to restore: a review. Restoration Ecology. 30. 2022
- Aneriophora aureorufa</i> (Philippi, 1865) (Diptera: Syrphidae): a fly specialized in the pollination of <i>Eucryphia cordifolia</i> Cav. (Cunoniaceae R. Br.), an endemic species of South American temperate forest. Journal of Pollination Ecology. 27. 2021
- Combining citizen science with spatial analysis at local and biogeographical scales for the conservation of a large-size endemic invertebrate in temperate forests. Forest Ecology and Management. 497:119519. 2021
- Consequences of the high abundance of Bombus terrestris on the pollination of Vicia faba. Journal of Pollination Ecology. 29. 2021
- Differences in stakeholder perceptions about native forest: implications for developing a restoration program. Restoration Ecology. 29. 2021
- Linking sedimentological and spatial analysis to assess the impact of the forestry industry on soil loss: The case of Lanalhue Basin, Chile. CATENA. 207:105660. 2021
- Recovery of Chilean Mediterranean vegetation after different frequencies of fires. Forest Ecology and Management. 485:118922. 2021
- Data: Inventory of trees in five fragments of temperate evergreen forest located on the eastern slope of Chile's coastal mountain range. Data in Brief. 30:105557. 2020
- Coordinated species importation policies are needed to reduce serious invasions globally: The case of alien bumblebees in South America. Journal of Applied Ecology. 56:100-106. 2019
- Evaluation of rust pathogenicity (Phragmidium violaceum) as a biological control agent for the invasive plant Rubus ulmifolius on Robinson Crusoe Island, Chile. Australasian Plant Pathology. 48:201-208. 2019
- Spatial congruence among indicators of recovery completeness in a Mediterranean forest landscape: Implications for planning large-scale restoration. Ecological Indicators. 102:752-759. 2019
- Traits of perch trees promote seed dispersal of endemic fleshy-fruit species in degraded areas of endangered Mediterranean ecosystems. Journal of Arid Environments. 170:103995. 2019
- Willingness of rural communities to reforest with native tree species in central Chile. Restoration Ecology. 27:1401-1408. 2019
- Assessing habitat loss and fragmentation and their effects on population viability of forest specialist birds: Linking biogeographical and population approaches. Diversity and Distributions. 24:820-830. 2018
- Habitat loss of a rainforest specialist pollinator fly as an indicator of conservation status of the South American Temperate Rainforests. Journal of Insect Conservation. 22:745-755. 2018
- Impact of invasive plant control on soil loss: a case study on Robinson Crusoe Island. Restoration Ecology. 26:1165-1169. 2018
- Las razones de por qué Chile debe detener la importación del abejorro comercial Bombus terrestris (Linnaeus) y comenzar a controlarlo. Gayana (Concepción). 82:118-127. 2018
- Major bottlenecks for the restoration of natural forests in Chile. Restoration Ecology. 26:1039-1044. 2018
- Fleshy fruits as a lifebelt for seeds and the potential polychory of two wetland trees of temperate Chilean forests. Aquatic Botany. 142:87-90. 2017
- Physiological and morphological responses to permanent and intermittent waterlogging in seedlings of four evergreen trees of temperate swamp forests. Tree Physiology. 37:779-789. 2017
- Which seed origin provides better tolerance to flooding and drought when restoring to face climate change?. Austral Ecology. 42:934-946. 2017
- Woody plant invasions and restoration in forests of island ecosystems: lessons from Robinson Crusoe Island, Chile. Biodiversity and Conservation. 26:1507-1524. 2017
- Altitudinal and interannual variation in seedling survival of tree species in central Chile: implications for sclerophyllous forest restoration. Bosque (Valdivia). 37:539-547. 2016
- Are birds, wind and gravity legitimate dispersers of fleshy-fruited invasive plants on Robinson Crusoe Island, Chile?. Flora. 224:167-171. 2016
- Establishment of invasive plant species in canopy gaps on Robinson Crusoe Island. Plant Ecology. 217:289-302. 2016
- Upper canopy pollinators of Eucryphia cordifolia Cav., a tree of South American temperate rain forest. Journal of Insect Biodiversity. 4:1. 2016
- Estado actual de la restauración ecológica en Chile, perspectivas y desafíos: Current state of ecological restoration in Chile: Perspectives and challenges. Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia. 43:11-21. 2015
- Frugivory of Persea lingue (Lauraceae) and its effect on seed germination in southern Chile. Gayana. Botánica. 72:250-257. 2015
- Good news from Latin America and the Caribbean: national and international restoration networks are moving ahead. Restoration Ecology. 23:1-3. 2015
- Decadal trends in the pollinator assemblage of Eucryphia cordifolia in Chilean rainforests. Oecologia. 176:157-169. 2014
- Phenological synchrony between the austral thrush Turdus falcklandii (Passeriformes: Turdidae) and its food resources within forests and prairies in southern Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural. 87:11. 2014
- Salvage Logging by Indigenous People in a Chilean Conifer Forest. Forest Science. 60:1100-1106. 2014
- El rol de Turdusfalcklandii (Aves: Passeriforme) como dispersor de plantas invasoras en el archipiélago de Juan Fernández. Revista chilena de historia natural. 86:33-48. 2013
- Influencia de la heterogeneidad del paisaje en la ocurrencia de incendios forestales en Chile Central. Revista de geografía Norte Grande. 157-170. 2013
- Necesidad de que las Fuerzas Armadas realicen un control de las plantas invasoras en el Archipiélago de Juan Fernández, Chile. Bosque (Valdivia). 34:1-2. 2013
- The role of fleshy pericarp in seed germination and dispersal under flooded conditions in three wetland forest species. Acta Oecologica. 46:10-16. 2013
- Forest Landscape Restoration in the Drylands of Latin America. Ecology and Society. 17:art21. 2012
- Nucleated regeneration of semiarid sclerophyllous forests close to remnant vegetation. Forest Ecology and Management. 274:38-47. 2012
- Spatio-temporal variation in the effect of herbaceous layer on woody seedling survival in a Chilean mediterranean ecosystem. Journal of Vegetation Science. 22:847-855. 2011
- From the Holocene to the Anthropocene: A historical framework for land cover change in southwestern South America in the past 15,000 years. Land Use Policy. 27:148-160. 2010
- Frugivory on Persea lingue in temperate Chilean forests: interactions between fruit availability and habitat fragmentation across multiple spatial scales. Oecologia. 164:981-991. 2010
- Habitat use of remnant forest habitats by the threatened arboreal marsupial Dromiciops gliroides (Microbiotheria) in a rural landscape of southern Chile. Wildlife Research. 37:249. 2010
- La protección de los bosques, conservación y políticas estatales. Anales de la Universidad de Chile. 0. 2010
- A network analysis of plant–pollinator interactions in temperate rain forests of Chiloé Island, Chile. Oecologia. 160:697-706. 2009
- Toward Integrated Analysis of Human Impacts on Forest Biodiversity: Lessons from Latin America. Ecology and Society. 14:art2. 2009
- Distribution patterns of flora and fauna in southern Chilean Coastal rain forests: Integrating Natural History and GIS. Biodiversity and Conservation. 16:2627-2648. 2007
- Regeneration of Fitzroya cupressoides after indigenous and non-indigenous timber harvesting in southern Chilean forests. Forest Ecology and Management. 248:193-201. 2007
- Breeding system of Embothrium coccineum (Proteaceae) in two populations on different slopes of the Andes. Revista chilena de historia natural. 79. 2006
- Catastro de vertebrados terrestres y análisis en seis habitats presentes en la Reserva Nacional Futaleufu, provincia de Palena, X Región, Chile. Gayana (Concepción). 70. 2006
- Diversity, flower visitation frequency and generalism of pollinators in temperate rain forests of Chiloé Island, Chile. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 147:399-416. 2005
- The Chilean coastal range: a vanishing center of biodiversity and endemism in South American temperate rainforests. Biodiversity and Conservation. 13:373-393. 2004
- Foraging behaviour of bird pollinators on Embothrium coccineum (Proteaceae) trees in forest fragments and pastures in southern Chile. Austral Ecology. 28:53-60. 2003
- Historia natural cuantitativa de una relación parásito-hospedero: el sistema Tristerix-cactáceas en Chile semiárido. Revista chilena de historia natural. 75. 2002
- Historia natural y conservación de los mutualismos planta-animal del bosque templado de Sudamérica austral. Revista chilena de historia natural. 75. 2002
- Conservation strategies for biodiversity and indigenous people in Chilean forest ecosystems. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 31:865-877. 2001
- Patterns of Genetic Variation in in and ex situ Populations of the Threatened Chilean VineBerberidopsis corallina , Detected Using RAPD Markers. Annals of Botany. 87:813-821. 2001
- Flowering and Fruiting Patterns in the Temperate Rainforest of Chiloe, Chile--Ecologies and Climatic Constraints. The Journal of Ecology. 82:353. 1994
- Inter-Annual Changes in Abundance of Native and Exotic Pollinators of V. Faba Crops and Their Relationship with Landscape Variables. SSRN Electronic Journal.
- Las razones de por qué Chile debe detener la importación del abejorro comercial Bombus terrestris (Linnaeus) y comenzar a controlarlo
- Lineamientos de una estrategia de restauración ecológica para bosques altimontanos degradados en San Miguel, Parque Nacional Tunari (Cochabamba, Bolivia)
- No Wild Bees? Don't Worry! Non-Bee Pollinators are Still Hard at Work: The Edge Effect, Landscape, and Local Characteristics Determine Taxonomic and Functional Diversity in Apple Orchards
- Poster: Lineamientos de una estrategia de restauración ecológica para bosques altimontanos degradados en San Miguel, Parque Nacional Tunari (Cochabamba, Bolivia)
- Restauración ecológica a escala de paisaje en el bosque esclerofilo (Chile)
- Fragmentation and edge effects on plant-animal interactions, ecological processes and biodiversity.. Biodiversity loss and conservation in fragmented forest landscapes: the forests of montane Mexico and temperate South America. 69-101. 2007
- Future scenarios for tropical montane and south temperate forest biodiversity in Latin America.. Biodiversity loss and conservation in fragmented forest landscapes: the forests of montane Mexico and temperate South America. 370-397. 2007
- Habitat fragmentation and reproductive ecology of Embothrium coccineum , Eucryphia cordifolia and Aextoxicon punctatum in southern temperate rainforests.. Biodiversity loss and conservation in fragmented forest landscapes: the forests of montane Mexico and temperate South America. 102-119. 2007
- The Importance of Plant-Bird Mutualisms in the Temperate Rainforest of Southern South America. Ecological Studies. 248-265. 1996
Resumen de investigación
Año de concurso: 2023
Año de concurso: 2022
Año de concurso: 2022
investigador principal en
coinvestigador principal en
- Automating the recognition of flower-visiting bees of buzz-pollinated crops with computational bioacoustics. FONDECYT REGULAR 1231212 2023 - 2027
- Fortalecimiento del CEDER en la línea de gobernanza territorial costera mediante la participación ciudadana efectiva y la acción colectiva comunitaria. SUBVENCION A LA INSTALACION EN LA ACADEMIA SA85220045 2023 - 2026
nombre completo
- Cecilia del Carmen Smith Ramírez
correo electrónico principal
- cecilia.smith@ulagos.cl
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