Diaz Gomez, Patricio Andres
Áreas de investigación
publicaciones seleccionadas
artículo académico
- An Unprecedented Bloom of Oceanic Dinoflagellates (Karenia spp.) Inside a Fjord within a Highly Dynamic Multifrontal Ecosystem in Chilean Patagonia. Toxins. 16:77. 2024
- Are Alexandrium catenella Blooms Spreading Offshore in Southern Chile? An In-Depth Analysis of the First PSP Outbreak in the Oceanic Coast. Fishes. 9:340. 2024
- Are yessotoxins an emerging problem in Chile? Context and perspectives following the first report of YTX levels exceeding the regulatory limit in the Patagonian fjord system. Environmental Pollution. 361:124844. 2024
- Climate Change Stressors, Phosphate Limitation, and High Irradiation Interact to Increase Alexandrium minutum Toxicity and Modulate Encystment Rates. Microorganisms. 12:1480. 2024
- Deep Turbulence as a Novel Main Driver for Multi-Specific Toxic Algal Blooms: The Case of an Anoxic and Heavy Metal-Polluted Submarine Canyon That Harbors Toxic Dinoflagellate Resting Cysts. Microorganisms. 12:2015. 2024
- Diverse inorganic carbon uptake strategies in Antarctic seaweeds: Revealing species-specific responses and implications for Ocean Acidification. Science of The Total Environment. 945:174006. 2024
- Effects of the Toxic Dinoflagellate Protoceratium reticulatum on Physiological Rates of Juvenile Scallops Argopecten purpuratus. Fishes. 9:331. 2024
- Effects of the toxic dinoflagellate Protoceratium reticulatum and its yessotoxins on the survival and feed ingestion of Argopecten purpuratus veliger larvae. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 199:116022. 2024
- Modeling the dynamics of harmful algal bloom events in two bays from the northern Chilean upwelling system. Harmful Algae. 132:102583. 2024
- Oceanographic processes driving low-oxygen conditions inside Patagonian fjords. Biogeosciences. 21:1433-1459. 2024
- Small-Scale Biophysical Interactions and Dinophysis Blooms: Case Study in a Strongly Stratified Chilean Fjord. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 12:1716. 2024
- Synchronic distribution of the dinoflagellate Protoceratium reticulatum and yessotoxins in a high stratified fjord system: Tidal or light modulation?. Harmful Algae. 135:102649. 2024
- Dinophysis acuminata or Dinophysis acuta: What Makes the Difference in Highly Stratified Fjords?. Marine Drugs. 21:64. 2023
- Effects of Microalgal Blooms on Aquaculture and Fisheries. Fishes. 8:461. 2023
- First report of epiphytic dinoflagellateCoolia malayensis(Dinophyceae) in the southeastern Pacific Ocean. Journal of Phycology. 59:725-737. 2023
- From lipophilic to hydrophilic toxin producers: Phytoplankton succession driven by an atmospheric river in western Patagonia. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 193:115214. 2023
- Nocturnal seston: A key to explain the cadmium transfer from seawater to mussels (Mytilus chilensis). Marine Pollution Bulletin. 195:115544. 2023
- North American Dinophysis, late‐comers to the harmful algae world. Journal of Phycology. 59:653-657. 2023
- Paralytic Shellfish Toxins in the Gastropod Concholepas concholepas: Variability, Toxin Profiles and Mechanisms for Toxicity Reduction. Marine Drugs. 21:44. 2023
- Population expansion of the invasive sea anemone Metridium senile in the spatial mesoscale of a sea urchin bed in north-western Patagonia. Biological Invasions. 25:1101-1118. 2023
- Recent Deoxygenation of Patagonian Fjord Subsurface Waters Connected to the Peru–Chile Undercurrent and Equatorial Subsurface Water Variability. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 37. 2023
- Small and patchy is enough: An example about how toxic HAB events can spread through low resting cyst loads. Harmful Algae. 129:102495. 2023
- The impact of local and climate change drivers on the formation, dynamics, and potential recurrence of a massive fish-killing microalgal bloom in Patagonian fjord. Science of The Total Environment. 865:161288. 2023
- The impact of size truncation on reproductive success in the southern king crab (Lithodes santolla). Fisheries Research. 258:106522. 2023
- The niche of a stress-tolerant specialist, Dinophysis acuminata, in a coastal upwelling system. Harmful Algae. 125:102427. 2023
- Toxic Algal Bloom Recurrence in the Era of Global Change: Lessons from the Chilean Patagonian Fjords. Microorganisms. 11:1874. 2023
- Continental shelf off northern Chilean Patagonia: A potential risk zone for the onset of Alexandrium catenella toxic bloom?. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 184:114103. 2022
- Disentangling Environmental, Economic, and Technological Factors Driving Scallop (Argopecten purpuratus) Aquaculture in Chile. Fishes. 7:380. 2022
- Hydroclimatic drivers associated with an unusual bloom of Microcystis aeruginosa and increase of CyanoHABs in a deep oligotrophic lake. Journal of Plankton Research. 44:68-72. 2022
- Interactive effects of temperature and salinity on the growth and cytotoxicity of the fish-killing microalgal species Heterosigma akashiwo and Pseudochattonella verruculosa. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 174:113234. 2022
- Interannual variability in mesoscale distribution of Dinophysis acuminata and D. acuta in Northwestern Patagonian fjords. Harmful Algae. 115:102228. 2022
- Lipophilic Toxins in Chile: History, Producers and Impacts. Marine Drugs. 20:122. 2022
- Modelling the Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Paralytic Shellfish Toxins (PST) at Different Scales: Implications for Research and Management. Toxins. 14:786. 2022
- The role of physico-chemical interactions in the seasonality of toxic dinoflagellate cyst assemblages: The case of the NW Patagonian fjords system. Environmental Pollution. 311:119901. 2022
- Drivers of dinoflagellate benthic cyst assemblages in the NW Patagonian Fjords System and its adjacent oceanic shelf, with a focus on harmful species. Science of The Total Environment. 785:147378. 2021
- Latitudinal Variation in the Toxicity and Sexual Compatibility of Alexandrium catenella Strains from Southern Chile. Toxins. 13:900. 2021
- Multiscale physical background to an exceptional harmful algal bloom of Dinophysis acuta in a fjord system. Science of The Total Environment. 773:145621. 2021
- Niche differentiation of Dinophysis acuta and D. acuminata in a stratified fjord. Harmful Algae. 103:102010. 2021
- Oceanography time series reveals annual asynchrony input between oceanic and estuarine waters in Patagonian fjords. Science of The Total Environment. 798:149241. 2021
- Using a 3D image-based volumetric model to estimate fecundity in Lithodes santolla: A tool for improving Lithodidae crustacean monitoring. Fisheries Research. 234:105803. 2021
- Alexandrium catenella cyst accumulation by passive and active dispersal agents: Implications for the potential spreading risk in Chilean Patagonian fjords. Harmful Algae. 96:101832. 2020
- Dinophysis Ehrenberg (Dinophyceae) in Southern Chile harbours red cryptophyte plastids from Rhodomonas/Storeatula clade. Harmful Algae. 99:101907. 2020
- First detection of pectenotoxin-2 in shellfish associated with an intense spring bloom of Dinophysis acuminata on the central Chilean coast. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 158:111414. 2020
- Toxicity Characterisation of Gambierdiscus Species from the Canary Islands. Toxins. 12:134. 2020
- Upswing and expansion of the southern king crab (Lithodes santolla) fishery in Northwest Patagonia: Drivers, trends and opportunities for management. Regional Studies in Marine Science. 34:101073. 2020
- Benthic fauna associated with Loxechinus albus beds in Northwest Patagonia: spatial patterns and species archetypes. Marine Biodiversity. 49:2535-2548. 2019
- Cell Cycle, Division Rate, and Feeding of the Heterotroph Phalacroma rotundatum in a Chilean Fjord. Microorganisms. 7:451. 2019
- Drastic difference in cadmium concentration in mussels (Mytilus chilensis) observed between seasons in natural bed and aquaculture systems in Chile. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 191:53. 2019
- Fine scale physical-biological interactions during a shift from relaxation to upwelling with a focus on Dinophysis acuminata and its potential ciliate prey. Progress in Oceanography. 175:309-327. 2019
- Fishery-induced reductions in density and size truncation of sea urchin Loxechinus albus affects diversity and species composition in benthic communities. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 219:409-419. 2019
- Mesoscale Dynamics and Niche Segregation of Two Dinophysis Species in Galician-Portuguese Coastal Waters. Toxins. 11:37. 2019
- Paralytic Shellfish Toxins in Surf Clams Mesodesma donacium during a Large Bloom of Alexandrium catenella Dinoflagellates Associated to an Intense Shellfish Mass Mortality. Toxins. 11:188. 2019
- Cadmium determination in Chilean blue mussels Mytilus chilensis: Implications for environmental and agronomic interest. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 129:913-917. 2018
- Coupling biophysical processes that sustain a deep subpopulation of Loxechinus albus and its associated epibenthic community over a bathymetric feature. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 212:23-33. 2018
- Fragmentos de la historia ambiental del sistema de fiordos y canales nor-patagónicos, sur de Chile: Dos siglos de explotación. Magallania (Punta Arenas). 46:107-128. 2018
- Species diversity and abundance of dinoflagellate resting cysts seven months after a bloom of Alexandrium catenella in two contrasting coastal systems of the Chilean Inland Sea. European Journal of Phycology. 53:410-421. 2018
- Using growth ring formation to study growth patterns of exploited sea urchin (Loxechinus albus) populations. Fisheries Research. 201:88-97. 2018
- Role of internal waves on mixing, nutrient supply and phytoplankton community structure during spring and neap tides in the upwelling ecosystem of Ría de Vigo (NW Iberian Peninsula). Limnology and Oceanography. 62:1014-1030. 2017
- Climate variability and Dinophysis acuta blooms in an upwelling system. Harmful Algae. 53:145-159. 2016
- Modelling the hydrodynamic conditions associated with Dinophysis blooms in Galicia (NW Spain). Harmful Algae. 53:40-52. 2016
- Using Drift Video Transects and Maximum Likelihood Geostatistics for Quantifying and Monitoring Exploited Subpopulations of Loxechinus albus at a Mesoscale. Marine and Coastal Fisheries. 8:70-80. 2016
- Challenges for coastal zoning and sustainable development in the northern Patagonian fjords (Aysen, Chile). Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research. 42:18-29. 2014
- Coupling planktonic and benthic shifts during a bloom of Alexandrium catenella in southern Chile: Implications for bloom dynamics and recurrence. Harmful Algae. 40:9-22. 2014
- Dinophysis Toxins: Causative Organisms, Distribution and Fate in Shellfish. Marine Drugs. 12:394-461. 2014
- Tidal and wind-event variability and the distribution of two groups of Pseudo-nitzschia species in an upwelling-influenced Ría. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 101:163-179. 2014
- Climate Variability and Oceanographic Settings Associated with Interannual Variability in the Initiation of Dinophysis acuminata Blooms. Marine Drugs. 11:2964-2981. 2013
- Reproduction of the sea urchin Loxechinus albus across a bathymetric gradient in the Chilean Inland Sea. Revista de biología marina y oceanografía. 47:257-272. 2012
- Bathymetric distribution of the Chilean red sea urchin (Loxechinus albus, Molina) in the inner seas of northwest Patagonia: Implications for management. Fisheries Research. 110:305-311. 2011
- Population dynamic of early stages of Caligus rogercresseyi in an embayment used for intensive salmon farms in Chilean inland seas. Aquaculture. 312:62-71. 2011
Resumen de investigación
Año de concurso: 2023
Año de concurso: 2022
investigador principal en
nombre completo
- Patricio Andrés Díaz Gómez
correo electrónico principal
- patricio.diaz@ulagos.cl
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