Nahuelhual Munoz, Laura Alejandra
publicaciones seleccionadas
artículo académico
- Corrigendum: Situational crime analysis of poaching within Territorial Use Rights Fisheries (TURFs). Frontiers in Marine Science. 11. 2024
- Ecosystem Services Justice: The Emergence of a Critical Research Field. Ecosystem Services. 69:101655. 2024
- Grassroots relational approaches to agricultural transformation in Latin America. Ecosystems and People. 20. 2024
- Public attitudes and perceptions towards the ocean as an input for public policy. Ocean & Coastal Management. 254:107175. 2024
- Situational crime analysis of poaching within Territorial Use Rights Fisheries (TURFs). Frontiers in Marine Science. 11. 2024
- The role of land inequality in the poverty-forest loss nexus patterns: A case study from Chile. Journal of Rural Studies. 105:103192. 2024
- A tragedy of the commons case study: modeling the fishers king crab system in Southern Chile. PeerJ. 11:e14906. 2023
- From past behavior to intentions: Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to explore noncompliance in small-scale fisheries. Ocean & Coastal Management. 239:106615. 2023
- Mismatches in the ecosystem services-wellbeing nexus: a case study for Chilean Patagonia. Ecosystems and People. 19. 2023
- Reframing illegal fishing in small‐scale fisheries as a wicked problem. Fish and Fisheries. 24:504-521. 2023
- A systematic evidence map of conservation knowledge in Chilean Patagonia. Conservation Science and Practice. 4. 2022
- Balancing ecological and social goals in PES design – Single objective strategies are not sufficient. Ecosystem Services. 53:101385. 2022
- Social-ecological shifts, traps and collapses in small-scale fisheries: Envisioning a way forward to transformative changes. Marine Policy. 136:104933. 2022
- Can participatory action research foster social learning in communities struggling for land tenure?. Land Use Policy. 101:105192. 2021
- Spatial coupling and decoupling between ecosystem services provisioning and benefiting areas: Implications for marine spatial planning. Ocean & Coastal Management. 203:105455. 2021
- The Ecosystem Service Provision Index as a generic indicator of ecosystem service supply for monitoring conservation targets. Ecological Indicators. 129:107855. 2021
- A social-ecological trap perspective to explain the emergence and persistence of illegal fishing in small-scale fisheries. Maritime Studies. 19:105-117. 2020
- Exploring gaps in mapping marine ecosystem services: A benchmark analysis. Ocean & Coastal Management. 192:105193. 2020
- Marine conservation may not deliver ecosystem services and benefits to all: Insights from Chilean Patagonia. Ecosystem Services. 45:101170. 2020
- The role of social capital and collective actions in natural capital conservation and management. Environmental Science & Policy. 107:168-178. 2020
- A trilogy of inequalities: Land ownership, forest cover and ecosystem services distribution. Land Use Policy. 82:247-257. 2019
- An uncertainty-based decision support tool to evaluate the southern king crab (Lithodes santolla) fishery in a scarce information context. Progress in Oceanography. 174:64-71. 2019
- Ecosystem services approach in Latin America: From theoretical promises to real applications. Ecosystem Services. 35:280-293. 2019
- Ecosystem services tradeoffs arising from non-native tree plantation expansion in southern Chile. Landscape and Urban Planning. 190:103589. 2019
- How are jobs and ecosystem services linked at the local scale?. Ecosystem Services. 35:207-218. 2019
- Is there a blue transition underway?. Fish and Fisheries. 20:584-595. 2019
- Linking inequalities and ecosystem services in Latin America. Ecosystem Services. 36:100875. 2019
- Livelihood trajectories in the Chilean Patagonian region: an ethnographic approach to coastal and marine socioecological change. Regional Environmental Change. 19:205-217. 2019
- Subantarctic and Antarctic Marine Ecosystems: outlining patterns and processes in a changing ocean. Progress in Oceanography. 174:1-6. 2019
- Climate change governance in the anthropocene: emergence of polycentrism in Chile. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene. 6. 2018
- Cultural ecosystem services trade-offs arising from agriculturization in Argentina: A case study in Mar Chiquita Basin. Applied Geography. 91:45-54. 2018
- Do people prefer natural landscapes? An empirical study in Chile. Bosque (Valdivia). 39:205-216. 2018
- Evaluación del servicio ecosistémico de regulación hídrica ante escenarios de conservación de vegetación nativa y expansión de plantaciones forestales en el centro-sur de Chile. Bosque (Valdivia). 39:277-289. 2018
- Facing the climate change conundrum at the South Pole: actors’ perspectives on the implications of global warming for Chilean Antarctic governance. Polar Research. 37:1468195. 2018
- On super fishers and black capture: Images of illegal fishing in artisanal fisheries of southern Chile. Marine Policy. 95:36-45. 2018
- Opportunities and limits to ecosystem services governance in developing countries and indigenous territories: The case of water supply in Southern Chile. Environmental Science & Policy. 86:11-18. 2018
- Patterns of ecosystem services supply across farm properties: Implications for ecosystem services-based policy incentives. Science of The Total Environment. 634:941-950. 2018
- Agriculturisation and trade-offs between commodity production and cultural ecosystem services: A case study in Balcarce County. Journal of Rural Studies. 53:88-101. 2017
- Mapping ecosystem services for marine spatial planning: Recreation opportunities in Sub-Antarctic Chile. Marine Policy. 81:211-218. 2017
- Focusing Conservation Efforts on Ecosystem Service Supply May Increase Vulnerability of Socio-Ecological Systems. PLOS ONE. 11:e0155019. 2016
- Mapping social values of ecosystem services: What is behind the map?. Ecology and Society. 21:art24. 2016
- Impacts of anthropogenic land-use change on populations of the Endangered Patagonian cypress Fitzroya cupressoides in southern Chile: implications for its conservation. Oryx. 49:447-452. 2015
- Mapping of ecosystem services: Missing links between purposes and procedures. Ecosystem Services. 13:162-172. 2015
- A mapping approach to assess intangible cultural ecosystem services: The case of agriculture heritage in Southern Chile. Ecological Indicators. 40:90-101. 2014
- Concepts and methods for landscape multifunctionality and a unifying framework based on ecosystem services. Landscape Ecology. 29:345-358. 2014
- Ecosystem services in changing landscapes: An introduction. Landscape Ecology. 29:181-186. 2014
- Land use change and ecosystem services provision: a case study of recreation and ecotourism opportunities in southern Chile. Landscape Ecology. 29:329-344. 2014
- Valuing cultural ecosystem services: Agricultural heritage in Chiloé island, southern Chile. Ecosystem Services. 7:66-75. 2014
- Heterogeneity of farms entering export supply chains: the case of fruit growers from central-south Chile. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research. 11:281-293. 2013
- Labor as a welfare measure in contingent valuation: the value of a forest restoration project. Ciencia e investigación agraria. 40:69-84. 2013
- Mapping recreation and ecotourism as a cultural ecosystem service: An application at the local level in Southern Chile. Applied Geography. 40:71-82. 2013
- Assessing the benefits and costs of dryland forest restoration in central Chile. Journal of Environmental Management. 97:38-45. 2012
- Combining land transitions and trajectories in assessing forest cover change. Applied Geography. 32:904-915. 2012
- How far from harmonization are sanitary, phytosanitary and quality-related standards? An exporter’s perception approach. Food Policy. 37:162-170. 2012
- How landscapes change: Integration of spatial patterns and human processes in temperate landscapes of southern Chile. Applied Geography. 32:822-831. 2012
- Land-cover change to forest plantations: Proximate causes and implications for the landscape in south-central Chile. Landscape and Urban Planning. 107:12-20. 2012
- Spatio-temporal effects of human drivers on fire danger in Mediterranean Chile. Bosque (Valdivia). 33:31-32. 2012
- Drivers of land abandonment in Southern Chile and implications for landscape planning. Landscape and Urban Planning. 99:207-217. 2011
- Projecting landscape changes in southern Chile: Simulation of human and natural processes driving land transformation. Ecological Modelling. 222:2841-2855. 2011
- Response to “Whales Might Also Be an Important Component in Patagonian Fjord Ecosystems”. AMBIO. 40:106-107. 2011
- Linking farming systems to landscape change: An empirical and spatially explicit study in southern Chile. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 139:40-50. 2010
- Patagonian Fjord Ecosystems in Southern Chile as a Highly Vulnerable Region: Problems and Needs. AMBIO. 39:463-466. 2010
- Adoption of cleaner production practices by dairy farmers in southern Chile. Ciencia e investigación agraria. 36. 2009
- Assessment of ecosystem services as an opportunity for the conservation and management of native forests in Chile. Forest Ecology and Management. 258:415-424. 2009
- Implications of the Structural Change in Dairy Products Trade on Milk Price Paid to Producers in Chile. Chilean journal of agricultural research. 68. 2008
- Potential for greenery from degraded temperate forests to increase income of indigenous women in Chile. Agroforestry Systems. 74:97-109. 2008
- Response to commentary on the paper “forests and water: The value of native temperate forests in supplying water for human consumption”. Ecological Economics. 67:157-158. 2008
- Non-native Salmon and Trout Recreational Fishing in Lake Llanquihue, Southern Chile: Economic Benefits and Management Implications. Reviews in Fisheries Science. 15:311-325. 2007
- VALUING ECOSYSTEM SERVICES OF CHILEAN TEMPERATE RAINFORESTS. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 9:481-499. 2007
- Forests and water: The value of native temperate forests in supplying water for human consumption. Ecological Economics. 58:606-616. 2006
- A comparison of a parametric and a non-parametric method to value a non-rejectable public good. Journal of Forest Economics. 10:61-74. 2004
- Efecto del precio internacional sobre el precio de la leche pagado a productor: transitorio o permanente?. Agricultura Técnica. 64. 2004
- Recreation Opportunities in Changing Landscapes: Insights From Southern Chile. Imperiled: The Encyclopedia of Conservation. 222-232. 2022
- Ecosystem Services in Patagonia: A Synthesis and Future Directions. Natural and Social Sciences of Patagonia. 469-485. 2021
- Natural Capital and Local Employment in Argentine Patagonia. Natural and Social Sciences of Patagonia. 451-467. 2021
- The Challenges of Implementing Ecosystem Services in the Argentinean and Chilean Patagonia. Natural and Social Sciences of Patagonia. 429-449. 2021
- Exploring Traps in Forest and Marine Socio-Ecological Systems of Southern and Austral Chile. Social-ecological Systems of Latin America: Complexities and Challenges. 323-345. 2019
nombre completo
- Laura Alejandra Nahuelhual Muñoz
correo electrónico principal
- laura.nahuelhual@ulagos.cl
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