Valdivia Prats, Carlos Eduardo
publicaciones seleccionadas
artículo académico
- Contrasting responses of taxonomic diversity and functional groups of birds to the agricultural landscape of southern Chile. Ornithology Research. 2024
- La escarificación mecánica aumenta la germinación de semillas de Neltuma alba (Fabaceae), un árbol amenazado del desierto de Atacama. Revista Peruana de Biología. 31:e26571. 2024
- Effect of traditional livestock grazing on abundance of small mammals and activity of mountain vizcacha in the high central semi-arid Andes. Journal of Arid Environments. 206:104846. 2022
- Effects of livestock grazing on biodiversity: A meta-analysis on three trophic levels. Journal for Nature Conservation. 66:126126. 2022
- Traditional livestock activities modify the spatial behavior of small wildcats in the high Andes. Journal for Nature Conservation. 70:126303. 2022
- A high rate of rodent-mediated predation on artificial nests in hedgerows of an agricultural landscape in southern Chile. Bird Study. 68:284-288. 2021
- Browningia candelaris (Meyen) Britton & Rose, un cactus autoincompatible polinizado por colibríes e insectos en el Desierto de Atacama. Gayana. Botánica. 78:131-140. 2021
- First records of Meromacrus cactorum (Diptera: Syrphidae) from Chile, with new biological data. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina. 80:37-40. 2021
- Local Actions to Tackle a Global Problem: A Multidimensional Assessment of the Pollination Crisis in Chile. Diversity. 13:571. 2021
- Post-dispersal seed predation in the hedgerows of agroecosystems in southern Chile. Gayana (Concepción). 84:112-117. 2020
- Nolana balsamiflua (Gaudich.) Mesa (Solanaceae), un arbusto vulnerable del desierto de Atacama dependiente de polinizadores para producir semillas. Gayana. Botánica. 76:123-125. 2019
- Putative local adaptations modulate the interactions of the carnivorous plant Drosera uniflora Willd (1809) (Droseraceae) with cushion and shrub nurse plants. Austral Ecology. 44:962-972. 2019
- Ant-Mediated Nectar Robbing from the Chilean Firetree Embothrium coccineum (Proteaceae): No Effect on Seed Production. Annales Botanici Fennici. 55:217-226. 2018
- Bird-mediated effect of deforestation on potential seed dispersal does not increase the seed recruitment of Fuchsia magellanica. Trees. 32:245-254. 2018
- Las razones de por qué Chile debe detener la importación del abejorro comercial Bombus terrestris (Linnaeus) y comenzar a controlarlo. Gayana (Concepción). 82:118-127. 2018
- Phenotypic similarity between fruits of Gevuina avellana (Proteaceae) and wasp-induced galls of Nothofagus dombeyi (Nothofagaceae) does not protect fruits from predation by rodents. Acta Botanica Brasilica. 32:624-630. 2018
- The additive effects of pollinators and herbivores on the vine Bomarea salsilla (Alstroemeriaceae), remain spatially consistent in a fragmented forest. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad. 89. 2018
- La importancia del zorzal austral Turdus falcklandii en la germinación de semillas de pitra Myrceugenia planipes. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad. 88:474-476. 2017
- Geographic distribution and trait-mediated causes of nectar robbing by the European bumblebee Bombus terrestris on the Patagonian shrub Fuchsia magellanica. Flora. 225:30-36. 2016
- La frugivoría por cánidos nativos (Lycalopex spp.) y alóctonos (Canis lupus familiaris) reduce la germinación de semillas de litre (Lithrea caustica) en Chile central. Bosque (Valdivia). 36:481-486. 2015
- Use of tree species by White-throated treerunner (Pygarrhichas albogularis King) in a secondary native forest of southern Chile. Iheringia. Série Zoologia. 105:193-198. 2015
- Phenological synchrony between the austral thrush Turdus falcklandii (Passeriformes: Turdidae) and its food resources within forests and prairies in southern Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural. 87:11. 2014
- Allochthonous and autochthonous components from gizzard grit of Theristicus melanopis in anthropogenic pastures of southern chile. Gayana (Concepción). 77:21-25. 2013
- Denied density-dependent seedling recruitment in a fragmented forest does not decrease seedling diversity. Revista chilena de historia natural. 84:279-287. 2011
- Negative effects of forest fragmentation and proximity to edges on pollination and herbivory of Bomarea salsilla (Alstroemeriaceae). Plant Ecology and Evolution. 144:281-287. 2011
- Reproductive biology aspects of two species of the genus Gavilea (Orchidaceae, Chloraeinae) in populations from Central Chile. Gayana. Botánica. 67. 2010
- Breeding system and pollination of selected orchids of the genus Chloraea (Orchidaceae) from central Chile. Flora. 203:469-473. 2008
- Decreased frugivory and seed germination rate do not reduce seedling recruitment rates of Aristotelia chilensis in a fragmented forest. Biodiversity and Conservation. 16:1593-1602. 2007
- Noncorrelated evolution between herbivore- and pollinator-linked features in Aristolochia chilensis (Aristolochiaceae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 91:239-245. 2007
- A trade-off between the amount and distance of pollen dispersal triggered by the mixed foraging behaviour of Sephanoides sephaniodes (Trochilidae) on Lapageria rosea (Philesiaceae). Acta Oecologica. 29:324-327. 2006
- Depressed Pollination of Lapageria rosea Ruiz et Pav. (Philesiaceae) in the Fragmented Temperate Rainforest of Southern South America. Biodiversity and Conservation. 15:1845-1856. 2006
- Do floral syndromes predict specialisation in plant pollination systems? Assessment of diurnal and nocturnal pollination ofEscallonia myrtoidea. New Zealand Journal of Botany. 44:135-141. 2006
- Do pollinators simultaneously select for inflorescence size and amount of floral scents? An experimental assessment on Escallonia myrtoidea. Austral Ecology. 31:897-903. 2006
- Direct and Indirect Effects of Nectar Robbing on the Pollinating Behavior of Patagona gigas (Trochilidae)1. Biotropica. 37:693-696. 2005
nombre completo
- Carlos Eduardo Valdivia Prats
correo electrónico principal
- carlos.valdivia@ulagos.cl
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