VEM discretization allowing small edges for the reaction–convection–diffusion equation: source and spectral problems Artículo académico uri icon


  • In this paper we analyze a lowest order virtual element method for the classic load reaction–convection–diffusion problem and the convection–diffusion spectral problem, where the assumptions on the polygonal meshes allow to consider small edges for the polygons. Under well defined seminorms depending on a suitable stabilization for this geometrical approach, we derive the well posedness of the numerical scheme and error estimates for the load problem, whereas for the spectral problem we derive convergence and error estimates fo the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. We report numerical tests to asses the performance of the small edges on our numerical method for both problems under consideration.

fecha de publicación

  • 2023

Número de páginas

  • 25

Página inicial

  • 3139

Última página

  • 3164


  • 57


  • 5