Policies of Educational Inclusion: The Challenge for Honduran Public Universities Artículo académico uri icon


  • Today, a diverse student body attends the educational centers. As part of this diversity are those who belong to groups that are systematically violated. Implementing inclusive actions in higher education makes up one of the greatest educational challenges in the present day. In this work, and through a documentary review, we analyze the inclusion policies of Honduran public universities. Among the results we find the use of a concept of educational inclusion aimed at students with disabilities. We also discuss the different challenges that are imposed in Honduras, given the incipient development of inclusive processes in higher education. This leads us to study the concept of inclusion and consider it from a broader perspective. We conclude that talking about educational inclusion implies, in turn, talking about democracy and social justice.

fecha de publicación

  • 2021

Número de páginas

  • 19

Página inicial

  • 71

Última página

  • 90


  • 34