Geographical distribution and abundance of Ctenocheilocaris galvarini (Crustacea: Mystacocarida) along the coast of Chile Artículo académico uri icon


  • The mystacocarid Ctenocheilocaris galvarini is a member of the intertidal meiofauna in exposed sandy beaches along the coast of Chile. Originally described by Dahl (1952) from sub-tidal sediment off Isla Guafo, the only other published record is from semi-fine intertidal sand in Las Cruces. This paper presents a variety of new records of C. galvarini based on both quantitative and qualitative sampling of the coast of Chile between 18°S and 54°S. Ctenocheilocaris galvarini is found primarily in southern Chile, south of 32°, in the intertidal zone of intermediate beaches, in fine sand (Wentworth scale) most likely distributed between the level of the water-table and the surface, but avoiding dry sand.

fecha de publicación

  • 2014

Número de páginas

  • 4

Página inicial

  • 975

Última página

  • 979


  • 94


  • 5