Lugar de publicación
- Coexistence in a subtidal habitat in southern Chile: the effects of giant kelpMacrocystis pyriferaovergrowth on the slipper limpetCrepipatella fecunda. 95:25-33. 2015
- Geographical distribution and abundance of Ctenocheilocaris galvarini (Crustacea: Mystacocarida) along the coast of Chile. 94:975-979. 2014
- Do changes in microhabitat availability within a Marine Reserve reduce the species richness of small mobile macrofauna and meiofauna?. 92:1283-1288. 2012
- Effect of conspecifics density on the settlement of Petrolisthes laevigatus (Decapoda: Porcellanidae). 91:1453-1458. 2011
- Physiological energetics of the estuarine crabHemigrapsus crenulatus(Crustacea: Decapoda: Varunidae): responses to different salinity levels. 90:267-273. 2010
- Reproductive biology and population parameters of Petrolisthes laevigatus (Anomura: Porcellanidae) in southern Chile: consequences on recruitment. 87:729-734. 2007
- The reproductive cycle and development of Crepipatella fecunda (Gastropoda: Calyptraeidae) from southern Chile. 85:157-161. 2005
- Copper mine tailings disposal: consequences for the interstitial polychaete Saccocirrus sonomacus (Canalipalpata: Protodrilida). 84:603-606. 2004
- Amphipod Food Preference and Iridaeaspp. (Rhodophyta) Spore Release and Dispersal. 71:891-897. 1991