Copper mine tailings disposal: consequences for the interstitial polychaete Saccocirrus sonomacus (Canalipalpata: Protodrilida) Artículo académico uri icon


  • The hypothesis investigated in this paper is that the interstitial polychaete Saccocirrus sonomacus is excluded from beaches impacted by tailing disposal as a result of the blocking of the interstitial space and not by a response to the toxicity of elevated copper concentrations. Field evidence suggested that abundances of S. sonomacus on beaches where they would be expected to occur under natural conditions are lower when a beach has received a significant amount of tailings. In choice experiments, S. sonomacus always preferred an open coarse sand matrix to one where the interstitial spaces had been blocked by fine sand (a tailings substitute). Using invitro bioassays, we found that the LC50 for S. sonomacus with copper was 44 μg Cu l−1, this being higher than the values of interstitial labile copper measured on the beaches investigated in this study. We therefore accept the hypothesis of a physically mediated exclusion rather than a toxically mediated one.

fecha de publicación

  • 2004

Número de páginas

  • 3

Página inicial

  • 603

Última página

  • 606


  • 84


  • 3